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All Daf Testimonials
Shalom Moshe, My name is Zolly Claman – Rabbi of an OU shul in Edmonton Canada…I think it’s the most northern community in north America! Just positive feedback here: really amazing app. User friendly, intuitive and so much substance. Yasher Koach. I have a few shul friends who have no background,and thanks to the App and some encouragement they took on the project.Yasher koach, l’hagdil torah v’yadir.Zolly Claman.
Just wanted to share with all of you behind the scenes how much I personally appreciate the simple and elegant interface you have worked tirelessly on for many months. May all the Torah studied from this app accrue in your account in shamayim for nachas, health and success in all of your endeavors!
All Daf Team,I never thought I would be someone who would do Daf Yomi. As the last cycle started winding down and the Siyum HaShas buzz began I made a comment to my wife about Daf Yomi, something about how big of an accomplishment it is. To which she responded, “so why don’t you do it". She got me thinking, my thinking turned to action and as of today, Shabbos Daf 27, I have never missed a day of Daf Yomi. I have so far done the Daf having learned in Israel, New York, Florida, London and over countless cities / countries as I flew. Sometimes in the early mornings, others in the late evenings. It’s all about the Yomi. All Daf has made the Daf not just accessible and easy to learn, but more importantly, easier to understand with all of the additional classes based on the daily daf. Thank you!
She got me thinking, my thinking turned to action and as of today, Shabbos Daf 27, I have never missed a day of Daf Yomi. I have so far done the Daf having learned in Israel, New York, Florida, London and over countless cities / countries as I flew. Sometimes in the early mornings, others in the late evenings. It’s all about the Yomi. All Daf has made the Daf not just accessible and easy to learn, but more importantly, easier to understand with all of the additional classes based on the daily daf. Thank you!
Shalom Moshe, My name is Zolly Claman – Rabbi of an OU shul in Edmonton Canada…I think it’s the most northern community in north America! Just positive feedback here: really amazing app. User friendly, intuitive and so much substance. Yasher Koach. I have a few shul friends who have no background,and thanks to the App and some encouragement they took on the project.Yasher koach, l’hagdil torah v’yadir.Zolly Claman.
Just wanted to share with all of you behind the scenes how much I personally appreciate the simple and elegant interface you have worked tirelessly on for many months. May all the Torah studied from this app accrue in your account in shamayim for nachas, health and success in all of your endeavors!
About All Daf

Created under the auspices of the OU, All Daf is a revolutionary learning platform where users experience the Daf from both an individualized and holistic perspective.

All Daf's broad range of topics are channeled through personalized, user-friendly feeds, which adapt to each learner's interests. The platform has been specifically designed to enrich the learning of learners of all stripes and backgrounds, regardless of skill level or interests.

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