3,331. Produce That Grows from Terumah

Terumos 11:20

If someone plants terumah unintentionally, he must turn it over (i.e., destroy what he has planted). If he planted it intentionally, he must let it grow (ultimately suffering a financial loss). In either case, if it has reached a third of its growth, he must keep it. In the case of flax, even if he planted it intentionally and it reached a third of its growth, he must turn it over. This is a penalty imposed to keep people from planting it in order to benefit from the plant fibers.

Terumos 11:21

Produce that grows from terumah is regular produce in all ways except that it is prohibited to non-kohanim. The Sages enacted that it be prohibited like terumah to non-kohanim out of concern that a kohein might keep ritually unclean terumah intending to plant it and grow regular produce, as this could lead to all kinds of trouble. It is therefore permitted to eat such produce with ritually unclean hands and a person who immersed that day may eat it like regular produce (i.e., without having to wait until nightfall).