Nedarim 20b: Why Is Reuvain Not Considered Bnei Temurah? The Lomdus of Shita Mekubetzes & Magen Avraham
Nedarim 19a: How Did the Greeks Defile the Oil of the Heichal If Liquids in the Temple Can't Become Tamei? Three Approaches
Nedarim 15a: Who Gets Lashes When a Neder is Violated? The Steipler Elucidates the Machlokes Ran and Ramban
Nedarim 14b: The Chazon Yechezkel and R' Shmuel Rozovsky on Why the Ran Did Not Accept the Raavad's Approach
Nedarim 13a: The Stunning Chiddush of Rav Elchanon to Reconcile the Two Rans Why Hatfasa Only Works on a Davar Hanadur and the Two Rambams
Nedarim 12a: The Machlokes Ran and Rosh if Teruma is a Davar Hanadur Is L'shitasei - The Stunning Approach of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel
Nedarim Daf 10a: Shalom Aleichem or Aleichem Shalom? - The Lomdus of the Chida, Yeshuos Yaakov and Chasam Sofer
Nedarim Daf 5 - The Two Approaches of the Ran If the Neder is Effective to Prohibit Speaking, and Answering the Question of the Rosh
Nedarim Daf 4: The Machlokes Rosh and Ran Regarding the Three Yomim Tovim of Ba'al Te'achar and the Lomdus of the Grana"t
Nedarim 2a: Can a Neder Only Operate With Hatfasa? The Machlokes Ran and Rosh, and the Lomdus of the Shach
Daf Hashavua Special: Overcoming Amalek Through Meseches Nedarim - A Mystical Introduction to the Mesechta
Kesuvos 108: Can You Pay Off Someone's Debt If the Lender Doesn't Want to Accept? The Lomdus of Rav Shimon Shkop
Kesuvos 105: Can a Judge Keep a Bribe If He Doesn't Judge the Case? The Lomdus of the Bach and the Minchas Chinuch