3,332. Produce That Grows from Produce That Grew from Terumah

Terumos 11:22

Produce that was grown from produce grown from terumah is regular produce in all ways. This is true even of produce whose seeds don’t decay so long as the new growth exceeds the original in the second generation. In such cases, the new growth elevates the original even if the seed doesn’t decay, so the whole thing may be eaten by non-kohanim. The same applies of produce grown from terumah outside of Israel, from terumah mixed with regular produce, from surplus terumah that was only given by rabbinic enactment, or from seeds that are not eaten as food, such as those of turnips and radishes. Even though the turnips and radishes are terumah, what grows from their seeds is regular produce in all ways. Similarly, if someone plants flax seed of terumah, what grows from it is permitted to a non-kohein.

Terumos 11:23

If someone plants ritually unclean terumah, what grows from it is ritually clean but it may not be eaten. Since the terumah that was planted was prohibited to eat, it’s considered discarded.