3,344. Working for the Terumah

Terumos 12:18

Kohanim and Leviim are not permitted to work in the granaries in order to receive the gifts of produce that are given to them; one who does so desecrates God’s name. Regarding such people, Malachi 2:8 says “You have defiled the Levite covenant.” A Yisroel is not allowed to let a kohein assist in the granary. Rather, he must give kohanim and Leviim their gifts with honor.

Terumos 12:19

If someone gives terumah to a kohein on the condition that he return it, he fulfills the obligation to give terumah. Nevertheless, it is prohibited to act in this manner because it’s like the kohein assisting in the granary (in that the Yisroel would be giving him the gift in exchange for some service). Similarly, the kohanim and Leviim are not permitted to seize the terumos and maaseros; they may not even ask for them verbally. Rather, they should take them with honor because they eat and drink from God’s table. These gifts are given to God, Who has assigned them to the kohanim (and in the case of maaser, the Leviim), as per Numbers 18:8, “Behold I have given you charge of My terumah.”