3,357. Removing Terumah From One of Two Vessels

Terumos 14:6

The seah that fell into one of two vessels (in the previous halacha) can be removed from one of them, or it can be removed half from one vessel and half from the other, as one prefers. Let’s say that there are jugs of secular figs whose owner pressed a litra* of terumah figs into the mouth of one of the jugs, but he doesn’t remember which one. If there are 101 jugs, the terumah is nullified; the owner sells one of the jugs to a kohein, less the value of the terumah litra. The rest of the jugs are then permitted to non-kohanim. If there are fewer than 100 jugs, the figs in the mouth of each jug are considered meduma but those at the bottom of the jugs are permitted.

Terumos 14:7

The same is true if one presses figs into the opening of a hive-like container or into the top of a cake of figs. If he pressed them into the top of a cake of figs but doesn’t know if he pressed them onto the northern or southern side, or if he doesn’t know which cake he pressed them into, we treat all the figs as separate and nullify the terumah based on the ratio. If the cakes are 100 litra all together, the litra of terumah is nullified. This is only the case if each cake weighs two litra or more so that in any cake the terumah would be nullified by the majority of secular produce. This is because when there’s a doubt about terumah, it’s nullified by a majority of secular produce.

*A litra is a unit of weight approximately 3.88 oz. or 110 grams