Bava Basra - Daf 79

  • Audio Timestamps

0:00 - The 3 Sugyos

3:06 - Review of 3 Sugyos

5:56 - Siman

7:59 - 4 Blatt Back Chazarah

14:40 - Pop Quiz (Last 7 blatt)

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  • כל הפורש מדברי תורה אש אולתו

Rav Yehudah quoted Rav: כל הפורש מדברי תורה – Whoever separates from the word of Torah, אש אוכלתו – fire consumes him, as the passuk says: ונתתי [את] פני בהם מהאש יצאו והאש תאכלם – And I will set My face against them, from the fire they have departed, and the fire will consume them. When Rav Dimi came from Eretz Yisroel to Bavel, he quoted Rebbe Yochanan saying: כל הפורש עצמו מד"ת נופל בגיהנם – Whoever separates himself from the words of Torah falls into Gehinnom, as the passuk says: אדם תועה מדרך השכל בקהל רפאים ינוח – A man who strays from the path of wisdom (i.e., Torah), will rest in the congregation of “Rephaim,” which refers to גיהנם, as the Gemara demonstrates.

  • Machlokes about me’ilah in גידולי הקדש

A Mishnah discusses whether the contents of various hekdesh items are subject to me’ilah. It states that whether something is fit for the מזבח (such as doves of a dovecote), or for בדק הבית – Temple maintenance, such as the water of a pit (which is usable for cement), or fit for neither, and only its value is hekdesh (such as manure of dumps, grass of fields, or fruit of trees), מועלין בהן ובמה שבתוכן – one violates me’ilah both with [the items themselves] and with their contents.  However, if he was makdish any of the above items while they were empty (a dovecote, field, tree, etc.), and then they became filled with doves, grass, fruit, etc., Rebbe Yehudah says: מועלין בהן ואין מועלין במה שבתוכן – one transgresses me’ilah with [the items themselves], but not with their contents. Rebbe Yose says: המקדיש את השדה ואת האילן – if one is makdish a field or a tree, מועלין בהן ובגידוליהם – one violates me’ilah for them and their subsequent growths, מפני שהן גידולי הקדש – because they are growths of hekdesh, which Rebbe Yose holds is subject to me’ilah. Another Baraisa is eventually explained to say that Rebbe Yose agrees regarding hekdesh of a dovecote, pit, etc., that there is no me’ilah for their subsequent contents.

  • Machlokes regarding contents of a pit, dovecote, etc., which were there before or after the hekdesh

A Baraisa teaches: הקדישן ריקנין ואח"כ נתמלאו – if one was makdish empty [items], and they subsequently became filled, the Tanna Kamma says the contents are not subject to me’ilah, and Rebbe Elazar bar Rebbe Shimon says they are. Later, the סיפא is quoted: הקדישן מלאין – if he was makdish [the items] while filled, the Tanna Kamma says the contents are also subject to me’ilah, and Rebbe Elazar bar Rebbe Shimon says they are not. Rabbah concludes that they argue about בור ושובך – a pit or dovecote (i.e., items whose contents are not growths). The two arguments are explained: (1) Regarding hekdesh of empty items, they argue if אדם מקנה דבר שלא לעולם – a person can transfer something which has not yet come into the world (e.g., effecting hekdesh on water after it eventually fills the pit). Although this is only possible with items which are עבידי דאתי – likely to come into the world, such as the sale of future dates of a palm tree, Rava says the Baraisa is discussing cases where the water and doves are likely to come. (2) Regarding hekdesh of filled items, Rebbe Elazar bar Rebbe Shimon holds that just as one who sells a pit does not sell its water (in his view, that one sells בעין רעה), the same applies to hekdesh.


Siman – Sofer (עט)

The artistic sofer who painted a person separating from divrei Torah being consumed by a fire with a מאמר חז''ל underneath and posted a מועלין בהן sign under some growths of a hekdesh tree, was not over  מעילה when he pulled a feather from a dove that flew into the hekdesh dovecote to make a quill.