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Keilim 19:4-5

Keilim 19:4

Rabbi Meir says that if a zav was supported by a bed and its band, it conveys ritual impurity to two more items and disqualification to one. Rabbi Yosi says that if a zav was supported by a bed and its band, up to ten handbreadths (about 30”) of the band conveys ritual impurity to two more items and disqualification to one but the part that’s over ten handbreadths only conveys impurity to one and disqualification to one. If the zav was supported by the band alone, then up to ten handbreadths is ritually unclean and beyond ten handbreadths is ritually clean.

Keilim 19:5

If a bed contracted midras impurity (from supporting a zav) and one wrapped a band around it, it all has midras impurity. If the band is removed, the bed retains its midras impurity and the band is unclean from touching something with midras impurity. If a bed contracted seven-day (corpse) impurity and one wrapped a band around it, it all has seven-day impurity. If the band is removed, the bed retains its seven-day impurity and the band has evening impurity. If a bed contracted evening impurity and one wrapped a band around it, it all has evening impurity. If the band is removed, the bed retains its evening impurity and the band is ritually clean.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz