376. Ho’adomah or Shehakol?

52:4 We only recite the brachos of ho’eitz and ho’adomah over an item that is good to eat raw and that is typically eaten raw. If it is only eaten cooked – even though it could be eaten raw – then raw is not considered its main condition. In such a case, ho’eitz or ho’adomah would be recited on the item when cooked but one who eats it raw would recite shehakol. Pickling is like cooking, so one would say ho’adomah over such things as sauerkraut. This is also true for salted produce.

52:5 Ho’adomah is recited over radishes, garlic and onions when they are soft and eaten raw. Even though these things are usually only eaten with bread, one would recite ho’adomah even when they are eaten without bread. (Shaarei Tziyon 205:7 disagrees and advises saying shehakol in such a case.) However, if they are aged to the point that they are extremely strong, it is not normal to eat them raw and one who does so would recite shehakol.