372. Borei Nefashos

51:11 There is a difference of opinion regarding the bracha of borei nefashos. Some authorities say the text is “al kol mah sheboraso” (“all that You created”), while others say it is “al kol mah shebora” (“all that He created”). The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch prefers the latter text but the former is more prevalent today. (See Mishnah Brurah and Shaarei Tziyon 207:3 for more on this.) The idea of this bracha is that God created all forms of life and all that they require to survive, like bread and water. We also say this bracha after things we don’t need to survive but that we merely eat for enjoyment, for which we bless God as “the life of worlds.” The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch says this word should be written with a pasach [ _ ] (“chai ha’olamim”) but other authorities say it should be pronounced with a tzeirei [ .. ](“chei ha’olamim” – see Mishnah Brurah 207:3). The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch cites the Vilna Gaon, who agreed with authorities that said to conclude the bracha with “Baruch Atoh Hashem” but such is not our practice (see MB 207:5). 51:12 If someone ate fruit whose concluding bracha is the bracha mei’ein shalosh plus other fruit that grows on a tree whose concluding bracha is borei nefashos, he only recites the bracha mei’ein shalosh. This is because “al ho’eitz” (“on the tree”) can include other types of fruit beyond the special species of Israel. However, if one must say borei nefashos for other foods, the bracha mei’ein shalosh will not cover it. In such a case, one says the bracha mei’ein shalosh first, followed by borei nefashos.