271. Hamotzi

40:21 Salt that comes from water is like water in this regard, even when it has become a solid. For example, if one dips radishes in sea salt, he must wash his hands as if the radishes were dipped in water. (Mishnah Brurah 158:18 says that this appears to be the case only when the salt is still damp, not when it is dry.) Alcoholic beverages made from grain or fruit are not considered liquids regarding this matter; they are the same as juice squeezed from produce. Even though these beverages contain water, the water is subordinate to the alcohol, so if you dip something into it, hand-washing is not required. (Mishnah Brurah 158:26 says that when the greater part of the beverage is water, it would be a liquid that requires washing.) Alcoholic beverages made from any part of the grape are a liquid that requires washing for dipped foods.

41:1 One recites the bracha of hamotzi before eating bread made from one of the five grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt). Birkas hamazon (grace after meals, “bentching”) is recited afterwards.