256. Food Cooked on Shabbos for a Sick Person

38:9 Food cooked for a sick person by a non-Jew on Shabbos cannot be eaten after Shabbos - even by the sick person if he can eat something else. The utensils used to make the food can be used after 24 hours. (Mishnah Brurah 318:14 says that food cooked on Shabbos by a non-Jew for a sick person may be eaten by all after Shabbos; it is free from Shabbos restrictions because it was cooked permissibly and the Sages did not impose bishul akum restrictions in such a case.)

38:10 Even though an egg could be eaten raw, since this is typically only done in pressing circumstances, if cooked by a non-Jew, it is prohibited because of bishul akum. This is also true of other foods that are only eaten raw in a pinch.