Siman - Pesachim Daf 37

  • Baking פת עבה

It was taught in a Baraisa, אין אופין פת עבה בפסח דברי בית שמאי ובית הלל מתירין – Beis Shammai says that we may not bake a thick loaf on Pesach, and Beis Hillel permits it. The Gemara asks how thick may a loaf be according to Beis Hillel, and Rav Huna answered a tefach, for we find with regard to the lechem hapanim, which were not allowed to become chametz, that they were a tefach thick.

Rav Yosef successfully challenged this analogy pointing out that the reason the lechem hapanim could be baked up to a tefach was due to numerous factors that help prevent it from becoming chametz. It was baked by Kohanim who were zerizin, (diligent). It was kneaded vigorously, and it was baked with only dry wood, in a hot oven that was made of metal. The Gemara concludes that the machlokes was not about thick bread but rather פת מרובה, baking many loaves of bread at one time, more than is needed on any Yom Tov. Beis Shammai says that it is forbidden because it is considered, טירחה יתרה – excessive tircha. Rashi explains in Beitzah Daf 22b that Beis Hillel holds that baking a lot of loaves together in one oven improves the taste of the bread, so it is considered baking for the needs of Yom Tov. 

  • סריקין המצוירין

It was taught in a Baraisa that one can eat matzah בסריקין המצוירין – with decorative designs, although the Rabbanon have said that one may not make decorated designs on Pesach. Rebbe Yehuda explained, מפני שהאשה שוהה עליה ומחמצתה – because the woman kneading the dough tarries over it while she decorates it and allows it to leaven.  The Baraisa continues with an incident where Rabban Gamliel served Rebbe Tzadok decorated serikin on Pesach, and Rebbe Tzadok explained to his son Rebbe Elazar that the prohibition was only referring to professional bakers, not to ordinary people. Rashi explains that professional bakers spend more time etching the decorations since they are preparing the matzah for sale, whereas ordinary people are not so meticulous. Others say that Rebbe Tzadok answered that the prohibition was only referring to ordinary people, but professional bakers are permitted to make decorated sericin, and the matzah made by Rebbe Gamliel was done by professional bakers. Rashi explains that bakers are more adept and have stamps that can decorate at once. Rebbe Yose holds serikin is only prohibited on thick dough, which becomes chametz very quickly .

  • Frying and baking in the sun

It was taught in a Baraisa that sponge bread, honey bread, wafers and a pan loaf are exempt from separating challah. Reish Lakish said, הללו מעשה אילפס הן – These are not considered true bread because they are fried and not baked. Rebbe Yochanan said, מעשה אילפס חייבין – Products of a frying pan are considered bread to be obligated in challah, והללו שעשאן בחמה – and these are exempt because they are made in the sun, and therefore, they are not considered true bread.

Rav Yosef said to Rebbe Zeira, he should ask Ulla what the halachah is in a case, where one attached dough to the inside of a frying pan and placed the frying pan so that the flame was opposite the top of the pan. Rav Yosef said that there is no point in asking, since Ulla will say, רוב עניים עושין כן – most poor people do that to conserve fuel. Therefore, it is the normal use of a frying pan and Reish Lakish and Rebbe Yochanan would dispute this case as well.