Siman - Pesachim Daf 54

  • מברכין על האור בין במוצאי שבת בין במוצאי יום הכפורים

Rebbe Binyomin bar Yefes stated in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, מברכין על האור בין במוצאי שבת בין במוצאי יום הכפורים וכן עמא דבר – We recite a berachah over the flame on motzai Shabbos and on motzai Yom Hakippurim, and this is how the people conduct themselves. The Gemara challenges this statement of Rebbe Yochanan’s opinion from a Baraisa that states, אין מברכין על האור אלא במוצאי שבת הואיל ותחילת ברייתו הוא – We may not recite a berachah over the flame except motzai Shabbos since that time is the beginning of fire’s creation, וכיון שרואה מברך מיד – and when one sees it for the first time after Shabbos, he recites the berachah immediately. Rebbe Yehudah says, סודרן על הכוס – one recites all of the berachos of Havdalah in order over a cup of wine, and Rebbe Yochanan said the halachah is like Rebbe Yehudah. This implies that Rebbe Yochanan agrees with Rebbe Yehudah completely and a berachah is not recited motzai Yom Kippur.

The Gemara answers that Rebbe Binyamin bar Yefes was referring to אור ששבת – fire that rested on Shabbos and Yom Kippur, which Rashi explains that it was either lit beforehand, or it was lit for a permissible reason such as for the needs of someone who was sick. The berachah is recited because the flame which had been forbidden to use, is now fully permitted. The Baraisa was referring to אור היוצא מן העצים ומן האבנים – fire that issues anew from wood and stones. Since fire was created motzai Shabbos, it is appropriate to make a berachah over such fire, but there is no reason to recite a beracha on it, on motzai Yom Kippur.

  • Seven things concealed from people

The Daf presents ten items and phenomena that were created the first erev Shabbos at bein shemashos, and seven things that were created before the creation of the physical world. In addition, it was taught in a Baraisa, שבעה דברים מכוסים מבני אדם – seven things are concealed from people: יום המיתה – The day of one’s death, יום הנחמה - the day of consolation, which Rashi explains as the exact time when one will be relieved from his anxiety or distress. ועומק הדין – the depth of judgment, which Rashi explains either means the depth of cases of judgement, (of which most people make mistakes about), or the judgment that will be made in the future. A person also does not know what is in his fellow’s mind, nor the business he will make a profit in, nor when malchus Beis Dovid will return, nor when the guilty malchus will perish, which Rashi explains refers to Edom.

  • Differences between Tisha b’Av and a taanis tzibbur

Rava expounded, עוברות ומניקות מתענות ומשלימות בו – Pregnant and nursing women are obligated to fast and complete their fasts on Tisha B’Av, just as they are obligated to fast and complete their fasts on Yom Kippur, and during bein hashemashos of Tisha b’Av they are not permitted to eat. And this was said as well, in the name of Rebbe Yochanan. The Gemara asks if he in fact said this, as Rebbe Yochanan said, Tisha b’Av is not like a taanis tzibbur for rain. Does this not mean that he holds that on Tisha b’Av one is permitted to eat during bein hashemashos? The Gemara concludes that Rebbe Yochanan holds that on a taanis tzibbur, reciting ne’ilah is a chiyuv, whereas on Tisha b’Av it is a reshus. Another answer is that Rebbe Yochanan holds that on Tisha b’Av one does not recite the twenty-four berachos in the shemonah esrei that is said on a taanis tzibbur.