Siman - Pesachim Daf 62

  • ערל – חבירו דומיא דידיה

On Daf 61b, a machlokes was introduced regarding a case of שחטו למולין על מנת שיתכפרו בו ערלים בזריקה – shechting a pesach for the sake of circumcised people in order that uncircumcised people should gain kaparah through it, by the throwing of the blood. Rav Chisda said that the korban is passul and Rabbah says that it is kasher. Rav Ashi challenged the first explanation of the machlokes, and on this Daf he provides an alternative explanation based on the passuk, ונרצה לו לכפר עליו – And acceptance shall be gained for him, to atone for him. "עליו" ולא על חבירו – By specifying for him and not for his fellow, the passuk is teaching that the zerikah must be done for the owner of the korban, not for any other person. Rabbah holds, חבירו דומיא דידיה – that the fellow that invalidates the korban must be similar to the owner. Just as the owner is a bar kaparah, so too must the fellow be a bar kaparah to invalidate the korban, which would exclude the ערל since he is ineligible. Rav Chisda holds that the ערל is a בר חיובא הוא ובר כפרה הוא – that he is subject to the pesach obligation and subject to kaparah, הואיל די בעי מתקן נפשיה – since if he wished, he could rectify himself and undergo circumcision. The Gemara goes on to clarify that Rav Chisda holds of הואיל לחומרא, but not לקולא such as in the earlier case of baking on yom tov for the possibility of guests.

  • ספר יוחסין 

Rav Simlai came before Rebbe Yochanan and asked to be taught Sefer Yuchsin, which is a collection of Tannaic teachings on Sefer Divrei Hayamim. Rebbe Yochanan was reluctant to teach him but after being pressured he agreed to do so. When Rav Simlai suggested that they learn it in three months, שקל קלא פתק ביה – Rebbe Yochanan took a clod of earth and threw it at him. Rebbe Yochanan said that if Beruryah, the wife of Rebbe Meir and the daughter of Rebbe Chananyah ben Teradyon, who would learn three hundred rulings a day from three hundred different rabbanon, and yet it took her three years to complete, how can you say you want to finish it in three months!

Rami bar Rav Yuda said in the name of Rav, מיום שנגנז ספר יוחסין תשש כחן של חכמים וכהה מאור עיניהם – From the day Sefer Yuchsin was forgotten, the strength of the Chochomim became weakened and their eyesight was dimmed. Mar Zutra said, the section between the first mention of אצל and the last mention of אצל holds four hundred camel-loads of derashos.

  • Differences between לשמו ולא לשמו and לאוכליו ולא לאוכליו

As Rav Simlai was leaving he asked Rebbe Yochanan to explain the difference between a pesach that was offered לשמו ולא לשמו and a pesach that was offered לאוכליו ושלא לאוכליו – for those who are able to eat and those that are not able to eat it. Rebbe Yochanan listed four differences. A korban brought לשמו ולא לשמו – פסולו בגופו – the pessul is in the essence of the animal. It is not possible to identify which part of the korban is lishmah and which is lo lishmah. It disqualifies in all four avodos and applies to both individual and communal korbanos.  A korban brought לאוכליו ולא לאוכליו – the pessul is not in the essence of the animal. It is possible to identify which side is the healthy person’s portion and which side is the sick person’s portion. It only disqualifies when done during shechitah and does not apply to communal korbanos. Rav Ashi said that the פסול בגופו and being unable to identify which part of the korban is mutar is really one point, as the first pesul is a result of the second.