Siman - Pesachim Daf 71

  • A shelamim shechted erev Yom Tov cannot be brought as a shalmei simchah or as a chagigah

Beginning on the bottom of Daf 70b, Ulla said in the name of Rebbe Elazar, שלמים ששחטן מערב יום טוב אינו יוצא בהן לא משום שמחה ולא משום חגיגה – A volunatary shelamim which one shechted erev Yom Tov, if he delayed eating it until the next day, he does not fulfill his chiyuv to partake of a shalmei simchah, nor his chiyuv to bring a chagigah. The Gemara explains that the already shechted shelamim cannot serve as a shalmei simchah, for it is written regarding the shalmei simchah, וזבחת...ושמחת – And you shall shecht the shelamim…and rejoice, בעינן זביחה בשעת שמחה וליכא – This implies that we need the schechitah to occur at a time of simchah, and in this case it does not, for the shelamim was brought before the chag. Likewise, he cannot fulfill his chiyuv for the chagigah, הוי דבר שבחובה וכל דבר שבחובה אינו בא אלא מן החולין – for the chagigah is something which is mandatory, and it is a klal that any mandatory offering may come only from unconsecrated property. The Gemara later brings Ravin who reported that Rebbe Elazar said one would fulfill his chiyuv for the shalmei simchah.

  • Source that eimurim of chagigah become pasul with linah

Rav Kahana said, מנין לאימורי חגיגת חמשה עשר שנפסלין בלינה – Where in the Torah do we derive that the sacrificial parts of the chagigah of the fifteenth become passul if left overnight before being placed on the mizbayach? Rashi explains that the meat of the chagigah can be eaten throughout the entire day of the sixteenth, like any other shelamim. The passuk states regarding a chagigah, ולא ילין חלב חגי עד בקר – Nor shall the fat of my chagigah remain all night until morning, וסמיך ליה "ראשית" – and next to this phrase in the next passuk it states the word “first.” By mentioning “first” the Torah means to say that this “morning” of which the previous passuk speaks, is בקר ראשון, the “first” morning after the chagigah is shechted, not the second morning. We see from here that the eimurim become passul at the dawn following the shechitah of the chagigah.

  • Machlokes regarding טועה בדבר מצוה

The next Mishnah states, הפסח ששחטו שלא לשמו בשבת חייב עליו חטאת – One is liable a chatas for a pesach that was shechted with the wrong intent, on Shabbos , ושאר כל הזבחים ששחטן לשם פסח – and all other zevachim that one shechted as a pesach, אם אינן ראוין חייב – if they are of the kinds of animals that are not suitable to serve as a pesach, one is chayav a chatas for shechting them on Shabbos, ואם ראויין הן רבי אליעזר מחייב חטאת ורבי יהושע פוטר – But if they are of the kinds of animals that are suitable for a pesach, Rebbe Eliezer says one is chayav a chatas since they are not in fact a pesach, whereas Rebbe Yehoshua exempts him from a chatas. Rashi explains that Rebbe Yehoshua holds that a טועה בדבר מצוה פטור, one who errs (and transgresses) while attempting to perform a mitzvah, and who does in fact perform somewhat of a mitzvah (though not one that overrides Shabbos), is patur from a chatas. In this case, the person did perform somewhat of a mitzvah, since most korbanos brought לא לשמו are valid for their original designation. Rebbe Eliezer holds a טועה בדבר מצוה חייב – one who errs in a mitzvah is chayav. The Mishnah continues, with each Tanna defending his position.