Siman - Pesachim Daf 106

  • Kiddush Rabbah

Rav Ashi visited the city of Mechoza. They said to him Shabbos morning: ליקדיש לן מר קידושא רבה – Let the master recite for us the “Great Kiddush” and they gave him a cup of wine. He was not sure what they were referring to. On one hand, he had learned from Rav Yehudah that the day Kiddush consists only of a borei pri hagafen. On the other hand, the “Great Kiddush” suggested it was their minhag to recite the full night kiddush. He figured that since one first recites a borei pri hagafen on the wine, it would be safe for him to start with the berachah ואגיד ביה – and he drew out the recitation to see if anyone would grow impatient and begin to drink. He saw a certain elderly man bending over to drink from the wine that was in front of him, which indicated that in Mechoza as well, the minhag was to only recite the borei pri hagafen for the daytime Kiddush. קרי אנפשיה "החכם עיניו בראשו" – Rav Ashi applied to himself the passuk, the wise man has his eyes in his head, meaning he has foresight. The Rashbam explains that they called it the “Great Kiddush” because it is the berachah which is recited whenever Kiddush is recited.

  • Havdalah Until Tuesday Night

The sons of Rebbe Chiya say: מי שלא הבדיל במוצאי שבת מבדיל והולך כל השבת כולו – One who did not say Havdalah on Motza’ei Shabbos may say Havdalah throughout the [following] week. Rebbe Zeira explained, עד רביעי בשבת – Until the fourth day, meaning up to and not including Tuesday night. This ruling is similar to a ruling with respect to a get, the first three weekdays are called “after Shabbos” and the last three weekdays are called “before Shabbos.” Rashbam explains that this would be relevant for someone who gives a get and stipulates that he be given 200 zuz “after” or “before” Shabbos. If he said “after Shabbos” the get would only be valid if she gives him the money prior to Tuesday night.

  • If Someone Ate Before Kiddush or Havdalah

Rav Huna says in the name of Rav: טעם אינו מקדש – [After] one tasted food, he may not say Kiddush. Rashbam explains that he should not say Kiddush on Friday night but he should say it the next day before the meal. This would seem to be a penalty imposed by the Rabbanon for eating prior to Kiddush. Regarding saying Havdalah after tasting food, Rav Huna told Rav Chana bar Chinana: אני אומר טעם מבדיל ורב אסי אמר טעם אינו מבדיל – I say, “[After] one tasted food, he says Havdalah,” but Rav Assi says, “[After] one tasted food, he does not say Havdalah.” Rashbam explained that Rav Huna felt that one need not act so stringently with respect to Havdalah. Rav Yosef says in the name of Shmuel: טעם אינו מקדש טעם אינו מבדיל, and Rabbah says in the name of Rav Nachman in the name of Shmuel: טעם מקדש וטעם מבדיל. [At the beginning of the next daf, Rava states that the halachah follows this final view.