Siman - Pesachim Daf 116

  • וכאן הבן שואל אביו

The next Mishnah states, מזגו לו כוס שני – They mixed and poured for him a second cup of wine, וכאן הבן שואל אביו – and here the son asks his father. The Rashbam explains that the son asks why the father is pouring a second cup of wine before eating, to which the father answers with עבדים היינו, we were slaves to Pharoah in Mitzrayim. According to the Rashbam, there is no need to recite the מה נשתנה since a question was asked. The Mishnah continues, ואם אין דעת בבן אביו מלמדו – And if the son does not have sufficient understanding, the father teaches him to ask מה נשתנה.

It was taught in a Baraisa, חכם בנו שואלו – If his son is intelligent enough to ask the Mah Nishtanah, the son asks him. ואם אינו חכם אשתו שואלתו – but if the son is not intelligent enough his wife asks him. ואם לאו הוא שואל לעצמו - and if his wife does not ask the questions, then he asks them to himself, ואפילו שני תלמידי חכמים שיודעין בהלכות הפסח – and even two talmidei Chochomim who are proficient in hilchos pesach, שואלין זה לזה – must ask one another.

  • מתחיל בגנות ומסיים בשבח

The Mishnah stated, מתחיל בגנות ומסיים בשבח – The father begins sippur yetzios Mitzrayim with bnei Yisroel’s disgrace and he concludes it with bnei Yisoel’s glory. The Gemara asks, מאי בגנות – What is meant by beginning the narrative with Yisroel’s disgrace? Rav said, מתחילה עובדי עובדת גלולים היו אבותינו – We recite, Originally our ancestors were idol worshipers, and Shmuel said, עבדים היינו – We recite, We were slaves to Pharoah in Mitzrayim. The שבח would be understood to be the reverse image of their interpretations of גנות. According to Rav, the שבח would refer to our coming close to Hashem’s service, whereas according to Shmuel it would refer to proclaiming all the miracles and wonders that brought about our deliverance . The Haggadah contains both interpretations.

  • רבן גמליאל- כל שלא אמר שלשה דברים אלו

The next Mishnah states that Rabban Gamliel would say, כל שלא אמר שלשה דברים אלו בפסח לא יצא ידי חובתו – Whoever did not say these three things on pesach night, has not fulfilled his chiyuv. ואלו הן פסח מצה ומרור. The Rashbam says that this refers to explaining the reasons for these three mitzvos, and the Rambam says that the chiyuv Rabban Gamliel is referring to is the mitzvah of sippur yetzios Mitzrayim.

Rava said, מצה צריך להגביה ומרור צריך להגביה – One must lift the matzah and show it to the others when reciting the reason for eating matzah, and one must lift the maror and do the same, בשר אין צריך להגביה – However, one need not lift up the meat when explaining the mitzvah of pesach, ולא עוד אלא שנראה כאוכל קדשים בחוץ – And not only is it not required to raise the meat, but if one would do so he would give the appearance of eating kodshim that was shechted outside the Beis Hamikdash.