Siman - Shekalim Daf 7

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  • מותר המת

The next Mishnah states, מותר המתים למתים – The surplus funds collected for the burial of the dead shall be used to bury other dead persons. מותר המת ליורשיו – The surplus funds collected for a specific dead person shall be given to his heirs. The Rivavan explains, based on a Gemara in Sanhedrin, that when funds are collected publicly for someone’s burial, the deceased suffers an indignity. The Tanna Kamma holds that if collected funds exceed the basic costs of burial, we can assume in the lifetime of the deceased, he forgave such indignities in favor of his heirs. He would prefer that they receive the monies instead of using them to further enhance his burial. Rebbe Meir says מותר המת יהא מונח עד שיבא אליהו  – The surplus funds should be set aside until Eliyahu comes and determines the law. Rebbe Meir is in doubt whether it can be assumed that the deceased forgoes his honor on behalf of his heirs. Rebbe Nassan says, מותר המת בונין לו נפש על קברו – The surplus funds should be used to build a monument upon his grave. Rebbe Nassan holds that the deceased does not forego his honor.

  • Repeating a teaching in the name of the one who said it

A Baraisa taught, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, אין עושין נפשות לצדיקים – We do not make monuments for the righteous, דבריהם הן הן זכרונן – their words are their memorial. The Gemara brings an incident where Rebbe Yochanan was upset with Rebbe Eliezer for two things, the second one being that Rebbe Eliezer did not repeat a teaching in the name of Rebbe Yochanan. After Rebbe Yochanan was finally placated the Gemara asks for the reason that he insisted the teaching should be said in his name and explains that Dovid Hamelech beseeched Hashem for mercy concerning this matter. He said, רבונו של עולם אזכה שיהו דברי נאמרין בבתי כנסיות ובבתי מדרשות – May I merit that even after I die, my words should be repeated in the shuls and batei midrashim, for Shimon ben Nezira said in the name of Rebbe Yitzchak, כל תלמיד חכם שאומרים דבר הלכה מפיו בעולם הזה שפתיו רוחשות עמו בקבר – Any deceased Talmid chochom from whose mouth a teaching is quoted in this world, his lips move with him in the grave. Rebbe Yochanan became angry because he feared that Rebbe Eliezer would deprive him of this benefit.

  •  אין דור שאין בו ליצנין

The Gemara states, אין דור שאין בו ליצנין – there is no generation without mockers: In Dovid Hamelech’s time the mockers would go next to Dovid’s windows and call out to him, “Dovid, Dovid, when will the Beis Hamikdash be built? When will be able to say, בית ה' נלך – Let us go up to the House of Hashem?” even though they knew it could be built only after his death. When Dovid remarked that he would be willing to die early if it meant the Beis Hamikdash could be built sooner, Hashem said to him, that He shall not subtract any time from his allotted time span. “Is there any reason for your son Shlomo to build the Beis Hamikdash except to offer communal offerings? חביב עלי צדקה ומשפט שאתה עושה יותר מן הקרבן – The charity and just deeds that you perform are more precious to Me than an offering as it says, עשה צדקה ומשפט נבחר לה' מזבח – Performing charity and what is just is more acceptable to Hashem than sacrifice.