Siman - Yoma Daf 18

  • Why they read the avodah to the Kohen Gadol during his seven days of sequestering

The next Mishnah teaches that the Kohen Gadol was provided with elders all seven days he was sequestered who read to him the order of the day from Parshas Acharei Mos, and they said to him אישי כהן גדול קרא אתה בפיך, שמא שכחת או שמא לא למדת - "My Master Kohen Gadol read it with your own mouth, for maybe you have forgotten it or never learned it." The Gemara asks how it is possible that the Kohen Gadol is not familiar with the avodah, for it is taught in a Baraisa, the passuk states, והכהן הגדול מאחיו - and the Kohen who is exalted above his brothers, שיהא גדול מאחיו בכח בנוי בחכמה ובעושר  - this teaches that the Kohen Gadol must be greater than his brothers in strength, beauty, wisdom, and wealth? Rav Yosef answered that the Mishnah is referring to the period of Bayis Sheini, when the corrupt kings of the Chashmonaim began to sell the office of Kohen Gadol to the highest bidder, even if he was not familiar with the avodah of Yom Kippur.

  • Why bulls were brought before the Kohen Gadol erev Yom Kippur and not goats

The Mishnah continues, ערב יום הכפורים שחרית מעמידין אותו בשער מזרח ומעבירין לפניו פרים ואילים וכבשים כדי שיהא מכיר ורגיל בעבודה  - on the morning of erev Yom Kippur they stand him at the Eastern Gate of the Azarah and they lead before him oxen, rams, and sheep so that he should recognize them and be familiar with the Yom Kippur service. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that states that goats were also brought before the Kohen Gadol on the morning of erev Yom Kippur and asks why our Tanna did not mention them? When the Gemara answers כיון דעל חטא קא אתו חלשה דעתיה – since they come to atone for sin the Kohen Gadol might become despondent upon seeing them, the Gemara follows up and notes that a chatas bull should also not be brought, since it comes to atone for sin. To this the Gemara responds that since it comes to atone for the Kohen Gadol and for all the Kohanim, if there is anyone among the Kohanim who has something that must be corrected, מידע ידע ליה ומהדר ליה בתשובה – the Kohen Gadol is aware of it and gets him to do teshuvah. However, among all Yisroel, for whom the goats come to atone, he cannot know who committed a sin. Therefore, seeing them will make him despondent.

The Rabbis married women when they travelled

In context of discussing which foods were withheld from the Kohen Gadol erev Yom Kippur to prevent a seminal emission, the Gemara mentions the measures that certain Amoraim took to maintain their level of purity while traveling. Whenever Rav or Rav Nachman would visit a place, they would seek a woman who would be willing to marry them for the days they were there, and then get divorced. When the Gemara asks how that is possible, given that there is a Baraisa that teaches that one should not marry women in different countries lest their children unknowingly come to marry one another, the Gemara answers, רבנן קלא אית להו – The Rabbis were famous, so the children would be well known as their offspring. When Rava asked how it was possible, given that the women were required to observe seven clean days before the wedding, the Gemara answers that the Rabbis would send a messenger in advance so the women could prepare. Another answer was that the Rabbis would only live privately with them but would not engage in marital relations, לפי שאינו דומה מי שיש לו פת בסלו למי שאין לו פת בסלו – because there is no comparison between one who has bread in his basket to one who has no bread in his basket