Siman - Yoma Daf 32

  • Aharon went into the Ohel Moed to remove the ladle and pan

It was taught in a Baraisa, the passuk states right after the Torah details the avodah of the ketores and the applications of blood from the bull and goat chatas, which were done while the Kohen Gadol wore the bigdei lavan , ובא אהרן אל אהל מועד – Aaron shall come to the Ohel Moed. Why should he come there? Rashi explains that the Kohen Gadol had already completed the avodah done there and the passuk does not give a reason. The Baraisa continues, אינו בא אלא להוציא את הכף ואת המחתה – He comes only to remove the ladle and the pan, which he had left in the Kodesh Kedoshim. וכל הפרשה כולה נאמרה על הסדר חוץ מפסוק זה – For the entire parsha of the Yom Kippur avodah is stated in chronological order except for this passuk. Rashi explains that the ram offerings of the Kohen Gadol and the people are done prior to the removal of the ladle and pan, while the Kohen Gadol is dressed in the bigdei zahav, but the passuk lists their service after the removal of the ladle and pan.

The Gemara asks what the reason is that the ram offerings must intervene between the special Yom Kippur service, and the ladle and pan removal, and Rav Chisda answers, גמירי – We have a tradition, which Rashi defines as Halacha l’Moshe M’Sinai, that the Kohen Gadol does five tevilos and ten kiddushin on the day of Yom Kippur, and if we say that the parsha is in order you will find only three tevilos and six kiddushin.

  • The source for two kiddushin for every tevilah

The Gemara brings a long Baraisa that provides the sources for the five tevilos and ten kiddushin and lists the various avodos that the Kohen Gadol performs on Yom Kippur. After bringing the sources for the tevilos, the Baraisa asks, ומנין שכל טבילה וטבילה צריכה שני קידושין – and from where do we know that each and every immersion requires two kiddushin? The Torah states, ופשט...ורחץ...ורחץ...ולבש – He shall remove…and wash…and wash…and he shall wear. Rebbe Elazar b’Rebbe Shimon says, that the kiddushin can be learned from a kal v’chomer. ומה במקום שאין טעון טבילה - If in a case were a tevilah is not required mid’Oraysa all year long to enter the azarah, טעון קדוש – washing is required, then במקום שטעון טבילה – then in a case such as Yom Kippur, where tevilah is required mid’Oraysa, is it not logical that kiddush is also required? He learns that two kiddushin are required from a hekesh of פשיטה ללבישה – removing the begadim, to putting them on. Just as donning the begadim requires a kiddush, so too removing the begadim requires a kiddush.

  • The meaning of "קרצו"

The Mishnah stated, הביאו לו את התמיד קרצו – They brought him the tamid, he made an incision. The Gemara asks what is קרצו, and Ulla answered that it is an expression of killing, meaning the Kohen Gadol slaughtered the tamid. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak said that Ulla based his explanation on the passuk, עגלה יפה פיה מצרים קרץ מצפון בא בא – Mitzrayim is a fair heifer, but a “keretz” from the north is surely coming. Rav Yosef explained, Mitzrayim was a fair kingdom but murderous peoples from the North came upon it. Yirmiyahu is prophesying that Bavel will conquer Mitzrayim. We see that the word “keretz” has the connotation of “killing”.