Siman - Yoma Daf 54

  • Machlokes regarding the location of the aron

A discussion began on Daf 53b regarding the location of the aron. A Baraisa was brought that taught that both Rebbe Eliezer and Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai say, ארון גלה לבבל – the aron went into exile in Bavel, and Rebbe Yehudah ben Lakish says, ארון במקומו נגנז – the aron was hidden in its place. On this Daf, Rav Nachman brought a Baraisa that taught that according to the Chochomim ארון בלשכת דיר העצים – the aron was hidden in the Chamber of the Wood. This is where wood for the mizbayach was stored, and was examined by Kohanim baalei mumin for worms. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak said that this view was learned in a Mishnah in Shekalim; מעשה בכהן אחד שהיה מתעסק וראה רצפה משונה מחברותיה – There was an incident with a certain Kohen who was busying himself in this Chamber, and he noticed that one of the stones of the floor was different from its counterparts. So, he came to inform his colleague, and he did not manage to conclude the matter עד שיצתה נשמתו – before his soul departed from him. They, therefore, knew with certainty that the aron was hidden there. The Gemara asks what the Kohen was occupying himself with, and Rebbe Chelbo said: מתעסק בקרדומו היה – He was playing with his hatchet. A Baraisa teaches that the hatchet slipped and fell on that stone and a fire emerged and consumed it.

  • Showing the Keruvim to the Jewish people during the regel

Rav Ketina said: בשעה שהיו ישראל עולין לרגל מגללין להם את הפרכת – When the Jewish people would ascend to the Temple on the regel, the Kohanim would roll up the paroches for them, ומראין להם את הכרובים שהיו מעורים זה בזה – and show them the Keruvim which were joined together in an embrace, and the Kohanim would tell them, ראו חבתכם לפני המקום כחבת זכר ונקבה  – “Behold your fondness before the Ominpresent is like the fondness between a male and a female.” When Rav Chisda challenged this, since the Leviim were prohibited from gazing at the aron when it was being placed in its cover for transport, Rav Nachman answered that this prohibition did not apply during the Temple era. He likened it to a kallah. The whole time she is in her father’s house, she is modest before her husband. Once she is fully married, she is no longer modest before her husband. Similarly, while the Jews were in the desert, we were likened to a kallah, but once we were already in the land and had the Beis Hamikdash, we were similar to a married woman. The reason the Kohen who wanted to reveal the location of the aron died, was because it was during Bayis Sheini, which is likened to a woman who was divorced and taken back by her husband. נתגרשה חזרו לחיבתה הראשונה – A woman who has been divorced and taken back, returns to her earlier fondness and is modest.

  • The אבן שתיה and how the world was created

The Mishnah stated that after the aron was taken, the Kohen Gadol would place the shovelful of coals on the אבן שתיה. A Baraisa explains this name: שממנה הושתת העולם – from this stone the world was founded. A Baraisa taught the following: Rebbe Eliezer says עולם מאמצעיתו נברא - the world was created from its center.  Rebbe Yehoshua says, עולם מן הצדדין נברא – the word was created from its sides. Rashi explains that Rebbe Yehoshua holds that the world began with four foundations marking the edges of the world and they extended inward. Rebbe Yitzchak said HaKadosh Boruch Hu threw a stone in the sea and from that stone the earth was founded. The Chochomim say מציון נברא – the world was created from Tzion.