Siman - Yoma Daf 82

  • When to begin training children to fast on Yom Kippur

The next Mishnah states, התינוקות אין מענין אותן ביום הכפורים – We do not afflict children on Yom Kippur, אבל מחנכין אותן לפני שנה ולפני שנתיים בשביל שיהיו רגילין במצות – but we train them prior to a year or two years, so that they should be accustomed to fulfilling mitzvos. Rashi explains that לפני שנה means before the year prior to bar-mitzvah, in other words two years, and לפני שנתיים means before two years prior to bar-mitzvah, in other words three years.

The Gemara asks that if we train them prior to two years, what is the need to state that we train them prior to a year. Rav Chisda answers הא בחולה הא בבריא – This ruling of “prior to a year” applies to a sickly child, whereas this ruling of “prior to two years” applies to a healthy child. The Gemara will present two different opinions as to the starting age for girls and boys to begin fasting.

  • Feeding a pregnant woman with a craving

The next Mishnah states, עוברה שהריחה מאכילין אותה עד שתשיב נפשה – If a pregnant woman smelled food or drink and craved it on Yom Kippur, we feed it to her until she feels relieved. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that teaches: עוברה שהריחה בשר קודש או בשר חזיר – if a pregnant woman smelled kodesh meat or pork, and craved it, we stick a spindle into the liquid of that meat and place it on her mouth. Rashi explains that she sucks on it. If she is not relieved, we feed her the liquid. If she still is not relieved, we feed her the very fat of the prohibited food שאין לך דבר שעומד בפני פקוח נפש חוץ מעבודה זרה וגילוי עריות ושפיכות דמים – for there is nothing that stands in the way of saving a life, other than the cardinal sins of avodah zarah, illicit relations, or murder.

  • Sources that one must give up his life rather than commit one of the cardinal sins

The Gemara proceeds to bring the sources that one must give up his life rather than commit one of the three cardinal sins. That one must give up his life rather than commit avodah zarah, is learned from the passuk, that one should love Hashem בכל נפשך – with all of one’s soul. That one must give up his life rather than commit illicit relations, is taught in a Baraisa, where Rebbe brings the passuk concerning the rape of a naarah m’orasa, a betrothed naarah, "כי כאשר יקום איש על רעהו ורצחו נפש כן הדבר הזה" – For like a man who rises up against his fellow and murders him, so is this thing. Rebbe explains that just as someone who is told that he must commit murder, should allow himself to be killed and not transgress the prohibition against murder, to too in the case of a נערה המאורסה, one must allow himself to be killed and not commit adultery.

The  halachah that one must give up his life rather than commit murder, is based on sevara, as shown in the case of a certain individual who told Rabbah that the governor of his town told him to kill so-and-so, and if he does not do so, then the governor will kill him. Rabbah said to him “Let him kill you and do not kill anyone”, מאי חזית דדמא דידך סומק טפי – for what do you see to assume that your blood is redder than that of the victim, דילמא דמא דההוא סומק טפי – perhaps the blood of that man whom they want you to kill is redder than yours!”