Shemos - The Frightening Reason the Jewish People Have Had the Most Challenging History of Any Nation
Shemos: The Malbim Uncovers the Mystical Contamination Paroh Was Trying to Generate Through the Cities of Storage
Shemos: The Chida Reveals How We Were Able to Take the Blessings of Eisav and Yishmael by Going Down to Mitzrayim
Siman 117 Seif 1-2: Saying V'sain Tal U'mattar in Eretz Yisroel vs. Chutz La'aretz, and One Who Goes From One to the Other
Siman 116, 117:1 Should You First Daven for Yourself or for Others - The Machlokes Yesod V'shoresh Ha'avoda and R' Chaim Kanievsky
Nedarim Daf 10a: Shalom Aleichem or Aleichem Shalom? - The Lomdus of the Chida, Yeshuos Yaakov and Chasam Sofer