כה אדר סימן קט הלכה ז - סימן קי הלכה ה mixing tap water in to mayim shelanu baking matzos on sunday how much dough can be used for baking matzos watching out for sunlight during cloudy days
כד אדר סימן קח הלכה ד - סימן קט הלכה ו cooling off the flour before making matzos drawing water from rivers and wells what utensils can be used
כד אדר סימן קח הלכה ד - סימן קט הלכה ו cooling off the flour before making matzos drawing water from rivers and wells what utensils can be used
כג אדר סימן קז הלכה א - סימן קח הלכה ג the month of nissan not saying tachanun fasting for chosson and kallah shabbas hagadol and baking shmurah matzoh
כב אדר סימן ע״ה הלכה ה - י״ג when do we say Magen avos. Kidush in shul musaf or mincha. Until when can one daven musaf
כ״א אדר סימן ע״ה הלכה י - סימן עו הלכה ד candle lighting in hotels placing water or bowls for safety davening shabbas after plag and saying vayechulu with one’s wife
כ אדר סימן ע״ה הלכה ד - הלכה ט the laws of candle lighting using electricity for shabbas boy and girls away in seminary and yeshiva
י״ט אדר סימן עד הלכה א - סימן ע״ה הלכה ג laws of sailing or flying or riding on subways on shabbas laws of candle lighting how many candles and when to light
יח אדר סימן עג הלכה ה - הלכה יא laws of non Jewish contractors and renting utensils to non Jews and keeping bank interest from shabbas profits
י״ז אדר סימן עב הלכה כ - סימן עג הלכה ד laws of insulation and using a non Jew or a minor to do forbidden acts on shabbas and giving in cleaners before shabbas
טז אדר סימן עב הלכה יא - י״ט preparing for shabbs mikveh showers cutting nails and leaving food on the fire crockpots and modern day ovens
יד אדר סימן קמא הלכה כב - סימן קמב הלכה ה Purim day and night meals how much is needed to give matanos leavyonim and mishloach manos
י״ג אדר סימן קמא הלכה יד - כ״א The laws of reading the megilah and what if u missed a word and what does an Avel or onen do on Purim
יב אדר סימן קמא הלכה ד - י״ג Laws of reading the megilah for women and men and children. What time to lain the megilah and can one eat and drink before megilah
י אדר סימן עב הלכה ה - הלכה י the laws of erev shabbs not having large meals the mitzva of toamea and baking challah for shabbas
ט אדר סימן עא הלכה ה - סימן עב הלכה ד Laws how to sleep the holiness of shabbas and the status of mechalel shabbas befarhesya bzman hazeh
ו אדר סימן ס״ט הלכה ב - ז. Laws of davening with the tizbur and when is the best time to daven mincha