Parshas Shoftim: Dreams and Aspirations
featuring Moscato, Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay
Parshas Bamidbar: The Righteous Women
broken down completely and there would be nothing left of Klal Yisroel.
R' Mordechai Appel grew up in Miami Beach, Florida, and is a talmid of Telshe Cleveland, Mir Yerushalayim, and Beth Midrash Govohah of Lakewood. R' Mordechai has been a regular maggid shiur in the Toronto community for the last 15 years.
In דרכים בפרשה, R'Mordechai presents a weekly vort on the...
Show morethe phone rings and the shadchan gives the news to the parents
Again the boy refused, this time adding, “Chaval alecha!
Kiss the sefer Torah with your mouth
get by and say “boruch shepatrani”
enter into the shul through “two doors”
Are we still committed to those resolutions
return now, just to receive a ”shkoyach”.
learn during those 28 times as well?
some mitzvos do not come with that option
a heiligeh group of Auschwitz Yidden
“I am small and he is the one that is big.”
featuring Moscato, Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay
How can he split up families? Why is it even fair?
the dean of Harvard University were to pass
called “milchigs” and the other was “fleishigs"
isn’t just a stretch or a nice “chassidishe pshat”
Avraham was certainly not a foodie
broken down completely and there would be nothing left of Klal Yisroel.
the answer might be “entitled”
essence of our eyes and lips are of a spiritual nature.
to have more angels down below is pointless
explosion of one of the space shuttles upon re-entering earth’s atmosphere
“This is not normal.” A son never behaves in this manner!
The holy tefilla of the Rebbe R’ Elimelech of Lizhensk,
when we see someone with scales
The creation of man was not for himself