Non-Jewish Like Me

Real questions, submitted by actual OU Torah followers, with their real answers. NOTE: For questions of practical halacha, please consult your own rabbi for guidance.

Q. What does God say about non-Jews like me? I believe that it’s God’s will that I exist and I need to know my purpose.

A. Thanks for your question. We're told that when the Egyptians were drowning in the Red Sea, the angels wanted to sing songs of praise to God but He did not permit them to. He said, "My children are drowning in the sea and you want to sing?" Yes, the Egyptians had been the Jews' oppressors but they were still God's children, just like everybody else. And He wants what's best for all His children, which is why He sent the prophet Jonah to urge the people of Nineveh to repent.

So what's your purpose? As I understand it, all of us have the same purpose: to enjoy this wonderful world that God gave us, to try to get closer to Him, and to do our best to leave things a little better than we found them. God may have given Jews and non-Jews different tools for the job but I still believe our goals to be essentially the same.

Rabbi Jack's latest book, Ask Rabbi Jack, is now available from Kodesh Press and on