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Eduyos 3:8-9

Eduyos 3:8

Rabbi Tzadok declares three things ritually unclean, which the Sages declare ritually clean: the nail on which money-changers hang their scales, the chest used by those who grind grain and the nail of a sundial (which casts the shadow). Rabbi Tzadok declares these things unclean while the Sages declare them clean.

Eduyos 3:9

Rabban Gamliel declares four things unclean that the Sages declare ritually clean: the metal basket covers used by homeowners, the hangers for metal combs, unfinished metal utensils and plates that are divided into two parts. The Sages agree with Rabban Gamliel that if a plate is divided into two parts of different sizes (and then separated), then the large one is ritually unclean and the small one is ritually clean.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz