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Eduyos 2:6-7

Eduyos 2:6

Rabbi Yishmael said three things with which Rabbi Akiva disagreed: regarding garlic, unripe grapes and unripe wheat kernels that one crushed while it was still day on Friday, Rabbi Yishmael says that one may finish extracting the juice after nightfall (i.e., on Shabbos) but Rabbi Akiva prohibits this.

Eduyos 2:7

Three things were said in front of Rabbi Akiva, two in the name of Rabbi Elazar and one in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua. The two in the name of Rabbi Elazar were that a woman may walk in the public domain on Shabbos wearing a type of jewelry called a “city of gold” and that people who race pigeons are unfit to testify. The one in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua was that if a weasel has a dead sheretz (a “creeping thing”) in its mouth and it walked on loaves of trumah, and there is doubt as to whether or not the sheretz touched the loaves, this kind of a doubt is ruled to be ritually clean.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz