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Eduyos 1:8-9

Eduyos 1:8

When it comes to trumah legumes that are primarily used as animal fodder, Beis Shammai say that they must be soaked and rubbed with ritually-clean hands but that they may be fed to the animals with ritually-unclean hands. Beis Hillel say that they must be soaked with ritually-clean hands but one may rub and feed them with ritually-unclean hands. Shammai says they must be eaten dry (and not soaked at all), while Rabbi Akiva says that everything may be done with ritually-unclean hands.

Eduyos 1:9

Regarding a person who exchanges a sela (a certain denomination) of second-tithe money (to make it easier to transport to Jerusalem), Beis Shammai say he may exchange coins for the whole sela, while Beis Hillel say that he may take a shekel (half a sela) in silver but he must retain a shekel (the other half of the sela) in copper coins (to have funds immediately available and not contribute to causing a run on them). Rabbi Meir says that one may not exchange a half-dinar of silver plus a half-dinar of produce for a dinar of silver, though the Sages permit it.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz