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Baba Metzia 2:4-5

Baba Metzia 2:4

If a person found something inside a store, it is his (because it was probably lost by another customer). If the object is found in between the counter and the shopkeeper, then it belongs to the shopkeeper (because he probably dropped it). If a person finds something in front of a moneychanger, it is his; if the object is found in between the moneychanger and his till, then it belongs to the moneychanger. If one person purchases fruits from another, or if another person sent him fruit and he found coins among the fruit, they belong to him. If the coins were tied up, he must take them and have them announced.

Baba Metzia 2:5

Since a garment is included in the general category of “lost objects,” why does the Torah single it out (in Deut. 22:3)? This is to tell us that just as every garment can be distinguished by its individual markings and has someone to claim it, one must announce finding any item that has individual markings and someone to claim it.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz