Moed Katan 3:1-2
Moed Katan 3:1
The following may shave on chol hamoed: one who arrives from overseas or from being held hostage, one who is released from prison, and an excommunicated person who is re-accepted by the Sages. The same is true of one who has a vow absolved, a nazir and a metzora (“leper”) who has transitioned from ritual impurity to ritual purity.
Moed Katan 3:2
The following may launder clothes on chol hamoed: one who arrives from overseas or from being held hostage, one who is released from prison, and an excommunicated person who is re-accepted by the Sages. The same is true of one who has a vow absolved. Hand towels, barber towels and bath towels may be washed. A zav (a man who has experienced a particular type of genital discharge), a zavah (a woman who has experienced a particular type of genital discharge), a niddah (a menstruant woman), a woman who has given birth, and a person who has transitioned from ritual impurity to ritual purity may all wash their clothes on chol hamoed but others may not.