Haftarah for Tetzaveh
G-d told Ezekiel to describe the third Temple to the Jews; they would be ashamed of their sins when they see that G-d does not reject them, despite their deeds. When they feel this way, Ezekiel will let them know the grandeur that lies ahead. He was to write down all the measurements so that the people would be able to build the third Temple properly when the time comes. (The second Temple, which we will see built IY"H when we come to the Book of Ezra, included some aspects of the first and some of the third.)
G-d says that all of Jerusalem is holy, but the Temple mount is "most holy." He then gives the dimensions of the altar and instructs Ezekiel about the sacrifices to be offered when it is constructed. The kohanim (priests) will offer a bull to G-d as a sin-offering. G-d says that Ezekiel (who is a Kohein - priest) will give it to them, suggesting that he will be Kohein Gadol (High Priest), or possibly Segan Kohein Gadol (Deputy High Priest), serving under Aaron, following the resurrection of the dead. On the second day, they are to offer a goat as a sin-offering. When they're done inaugurating the altar in this fashion, they are to offer a bull and a ram. For seven days, they are to offer a goat, a bull and a ram. When these days are done, on the eighth day, the altar will be ready to offer the people's sacrifices, which G-d says He will readily accept.
Excerpted from The OU's Nach Yomi