Haftorah Ki Tetzei: Strengthening the Stakes

Let’s delve into the posuk that precedes יָמִ֥ין וּשְׂמֹ֖אול תִּפְרֹ֑צִי, for you will burst forth right and left, to gain a deeper appreciation for Yeshayahu's consoling prophecy. The previous posuk reads, הַרְחִ֣יבִי ׀ מְק֣וֹם אָהֳלֵ֗ךְ וִירִיע֧וֹת מִשְׁכְּנוֹתַ֛יִךְ יַטּ֖וּ אַל־תַּחְשֹׂ֑כִי הַאֲרִ֙יכִי֙ מֵֽיתָרַ֔יִךְ וִיתֵדֹתַ֖יִךְ חַזֵּֽקִי׃”, Broaden the space of your tent, and let the curtains of your dwelling be spread, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. Why the interior decorating project? Who is coming that requires this extension and expansion?  And why now? 

The Haftarah opens with a prophecy that the barren woman will have so many children that her tent must be enlarged to accommodate them. Notice, however, this is framed as a renovation, not a tear-down. The Navi recognizes that despite the elongated Galus experience with all the pain and suffering, we have gained much as a people. We did not fade as a people but rather built communities, Torah institutions and shuls. The Pesikta D’Rav Kahana, a collection of aggadic midrash, on this Perek cites Rabbi Acha in the name of Rabbi Yochonan who claims: הרבה צדיקים העמידה לי בחורבנה יותר מצדיקים שהעמידה בביניינה. It produced more Tazddikim in its destruction than it produced while it was built up.

As a young man, my grandfather, Rabbi Dr. Ephraim R. Wolf traveled across the United States recruiting students for yeshivos, building schools and shuls to ensure the continuity of our faith. He would recount that he and his chaveirim would sleep on the benches in train stations and subsisted on raisins and orange juice because they didn’t have the funds to stay in a hotel and they needed to move quickly to accomplish their mission. Their goal was the rebuilding and continuity of Torah and the Jewish people. 

The motility of Torah, as highlighted by the metaphor of a tent, will not be disregarded when the redemption arrives, but rather, it is on these foundations that future Torah and spiritual growth will be staked. The Torah will burst forth from its strengthened place to reach all when Hashem will return us to Him, וּבְרַחֲמִ֥ים גְּדֹלִ֖ים אֲקַבְּצֵֽךְ I will gather you in with great mercy.