Hallel - Rosh Chodesh
QUESTION: Is a bracha recited on chatzi Hallel (partial Hallel) of Rosh Chodesh?
ANSWER: This question hinges on the following: As noted in the last Halacha Yomis, chatzi Hallel has the status of a minhag. Should Hallel be recited without a bracha because it is a minhag and not a mitzvah, or should Hallel be recited with a bracha, for though it is a minhag, it is nonetheless obligatory?
Shulchan Aruch (OC 422:2) cites three opinions regarding this question:
The Rambam holds that a bracha is not recited because Chatzi Hallel is a minhag and not a mitzvah, and one does not recite a bracha on a minhag.
The Rif holds that an individual who is reading Hallel alone does not recite a bracha. If Hallel is said in a group (for this purpose, three or more is considered a tzibur) a bracha is recited.
Rabbeinu Tam and Rosh hold chatzi Hallel is said with a bracha even when recited by an individual.
The Shulchan Oruch writes that the custom is to follow the Rambam and not recite a bracha on chatzi Hallel, and this position is followed by those of Sephardic descent. The Rama (OC 422:2) disagrees and rules in accordance with Rabbeinu Tam and Rosh that a bracha is recited on chatzi Hallel even when said privately. Ashkenazim follow the position of the Rama. However, because there are dissenting views, the Rama writes that one should make an effort to read Hallel with a group. It is recorded that the Vilna Gaon (Tosefes Ma'aseh Rav) would not recite a bracha on Hallel of Rosh Chodesh. Instead he would listen to the bracha of the Shliach Tzibur. The Mishnah Berurah (422:16) writes that if a person came to Shul late and the tzibur is up to Hallel, he should recite Hallel with the tzibur and daven Shacharis afterwards. If one is in the middle of p’sukei d’zimra when the tzibur begins chatzi Hallel, he should recite chatzi Hallel in the middle of p’sukei d’zimra without a bracha. In this case, one can rely on the brachos of p’sukei d’zimra in place of the brachos of Hallel. However, on a day that Hallel shaleim (complete Hallel) is recited, this may not be done, since all agree a bracha is recited for Hallel shaleim, and if the Hallel will be recited during p’sukei d’zimra, the bracha will be lost.
The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.