3,475. Produce From Lands Near Israel

Hilchos Maaser 13:6

If someone buys produce from those who have silos in Tyre, he is exempt from concerns of demai as we don’t assume that they stored produce from Israel. Similarly, if a donkey enters Tyre carrying produce, the rules of demai don’t apply because we assume that the produce came from the fields surrounding the city.

Hilchos Maaser 13:7

If someone buys produce from those who have silos in Tzidon, he must follow the rules of demai. This is because Tzidon is closer to Israel than Tyre is and we assume that they store produce from land that was occupied by Jews who returned from Babylonia. However, if one buys produce from donkey drivers in Tzidon, the rules of demai don’t apply because we assume that the produce came from outside of Israel.