3,483. Multiple Purchases From the Same Reseller

Hilchos Maaser 14:1

If someone buys produce from a reseller twice, he may not take tithes from one purchase for the other. This is so even if they are of the same species, from the same vessel, or if he recognizes the barrel. The reason is that a reseller buys from many different sources, so the first produce might be from an unlearned person whose produce is demai, while the second produce might be from a learned person, who took the requisite tithes. We have already discussed that we don’t take tithes from produce that must be tithed for produce that need not be tithed, nor vice versa. If the reseller says that both purchases came from the same person, we take his word for it.

Hilchos Maaser 14:2

If a reseller sells hops or vegetables and they are brought and packaged in the buyer’s presence, he should tithe each bundle and each date by itself.