Chapter 20 part 2: The Creation of the World - Day Eight

Did Adam light the first fire or was it a gift from Above? / The Difference between the torch in Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos and that of Motzei Yom Kippur / Did Tiras son of Yefes invent fire? / Picking up a rock instead of lighting a fire / Adam goes to the Gichon on Sunday / Adam's self-flagellation in his Teshuvah process / Adam Starts Fasting on Tzom Gedaliah (3 Tishrei) / Going to the Mikvah for Teshuvah / The Book of Raziel HaMalach / For how long did Adam fast? / Adam's Winter Holiday / The Chumrah of Adam's fast / Sin Clouds the Mind / Adam contemplates his own death, seeks out a burial place / Why is Hebron called Kiryat Arba?