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Middos 5:1-2

Middos 5:1

The Temple courtyard was a 187 cubits long* by 135 cubits wide. From east to west, it was 187 cubits. The space for the Yisroelim (Israelites) was 11 cubits; the space for the kohanim was 11 cubits. The altar was 32 cubits. Between the ulam (the entrance) and the altar was 22 cubits. The Heichal (Sanctuary) was 11 cubits and there were 11 cubits behind the Beis HaKapores (the ark cover in the Holy of Holies).

Middos 5:2

From north to south was 135 cubits. The ramp and the altar were 62 cubits; from the altar to the rings was eight cubits. The rings took up 24 cubits, and from the rings to the tables was four cubits. From the tables to the short pillars was four cubits, and from the short pillars to the wall of the courtyard was eight cubits. The rest of the space was between the ramp and the wall and the space occupied by the short pillars. 

* We have been working with the approximation that a cubit is around 18 inches. To estimate measurements in these mishnayos, simply multiply cubits by 1.5. For example, 100 cubits is approximately 150 feet.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz