Ashrei 26

Summary - Part 3

סומך ה’ לכל הנופלים וזוקף לכל הכפופים

Hashem supports those who are falling – this means that Hashem supports those who are in a downward spiral, falling time and again.  Hashem supports everyone, regardless of how far or how often he or she is falling.

Those who are generally on a path of doing what is right but falter in particular transgressions are bent over (כפופים) as a result.  Hashem can straighten them (וזוקף) and will inspire them to do t’shuvah.

עיני כל אליך ישברו, ואתה נותן להם את אכלם בעתו

We “look to You with hope” because we understand that we are not in control.  The feeling of total reliance on Hashem can infuse us with a feeling of serenity as we let go of the burden and stress of feeling that we are in control of our lives.  Hashem will provide us with our needs, both ruchaniyim and gashmiyim, exactly at the right moment (בעתו).

פותח את ידך, ומשביע לכל חי רצון

Hashem, Who created us for a specific and unique purpose, is the only One who truly knows what is best for us to have and best for us not to have.  Hashem provides us with all we need according to His ratzon, which is to give us what He knows is best for us at this moment.

Another meaning is that Hashem provides us with the desire and proper attitude to accept what He gives us, with simchah, subjugating our will to His.

צדיק ה’ בכל דרכיו, וחסיד בכל מעשיו

Tziduk HaDin, the proclamation stating that all of Hashem’s judgments are exact and perfect, even if we don’t comprehend them, is counted by the SMaG and SMaK as one of the 613 mitzvos.  The Chofetz Chaim suggests having in mind to fulfill this mitzvah when we say this pasuk in Ashrei.

קרוב ה’ לכל קראיו, לכל אשר יקראהו באמת

Hashem is close to all who call out to Him, regardless of each person’s current level of merit.  However, this is only true if what we are seeking is to come closer to the truth (אמת).

רצון יראיו יעשה, ואת שועתם ישמע ויושיעם

Hashem gives those who fear Him their true desire (if they knew what Hashem knew), which is Hashem’s desire because He knows best.  The end of this pasuk means that, while Hashem hears their cries, He will not necessarily “say yes” to their requests, but He will rather “save them” by giving them what He knows will be in their best interest.

שומר ה’ את כל אהביו, ואת כל הרשעים ישמיד

Ohavav” actually refers to klal Yisrael as a nation in contradistinction to the other nations.  Hashem Himself watches over us and guides us through hashgachah pratis.

תהלת ה' ידבר פי, ויברך כל בשר שם קדשו לעולם ועד

We in this world clearly have the greatest challenge to battle our “basar” (flesh, representing our yeitzer ha’ra), which is trying to prevent us from recognizing Hashem.  If we overcome our challenges and manage to recognize and love Hashem, praising and thanking Him, that is the highest level of praise in Hashem’s “view.”

ואנחנו נברך י-ה, מעתה ועד עולם, הללוי-ה

This pasuk was added to let us know that, now that we have completed Ashrei (with kavanah and internalizing the messages of emunah per the Rabbeinu Bachya), we are considered a “ben Olam HaBa” and will merit to praise Hashem for eternity.