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Keilim 30:4-Ohalos 1:1

Keilim 30:4

A small flask whose neck was removed remains susceptible to ritual impurity but a large one whose neck was removed is insusceptible. A flask for fragrant oil whose neck was removed is insusceptible to impurity because it scratches one’s hand. Large jars whose necks were removed remain susceptible to impurity since they can be used to hold pickled vegetables. A glass hopper is insusceptible to impurity. Rabbi Yosi said, “Happy are you, tractate Keilim, because you started with impurity and ended with purity!”

Ohalos 1:1

Two people are defiled by a corpse – one for seven days and one until nightfall. Three people are defiled by a corpse – two for seven days and one until nightfall. Four people are defiled by a corpse – three for seven days and one until nightfall. The case of two people is that one who touches a corpse is unclean with an impurity that lasts seven days, while one who touches that first person is unclean with an impurity that lasts until nightfall.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz