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Keilim 24:3-4

Keilim 24:3

There are three kinds of kneading trough: if a trough with a capacity from two log (between 1.5 and 2 pints) to nine kav (about 4.5 gallons) got cracked, it is susceptible to midras impurity; if it’s whole, it is susceptible to corpse impurity. One that holds the prescribed volume (40 seah – about 140 gallons) is insusceptible to all types of impurity.

Keilim 24:4

There are three kinds of box: one that opens on the sides is susceptible to midras impurity, one that opens on top is susceptible to corpse impurity and one that holds the prescribed volume (40 seah, as above) is insusceptible to all types of impurity.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz