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Keilim 28:2-3

Keilim 28:2

If a cloth smaller than three handbreadths by three handbreadths was modified to stop a hole in a bath, to stir a pot or to wipe a millstone, it is susceptible to impurity regardless of whether or not it’s kept at hand for use; this is the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer. Rabbi Yehoshua says that such a cloth is insusceptible to impurity regardless of whether or not it’s kept at hand for use. Rabbi Akiba says that it’s susceptible if kept at hand and insusceptible if not kept at hand.

Keilim 28:3

A bandage of cloth or leather is insusceptible to impurity; Rabbi Yosi says that one on leather is insusceptible. [Most authorities omit Rabbi Yosi’s statement, deeming it accidentally transposed here from the end of 28:6.] A compress on cloth is insusceptible to impurity but one on leather is susceptible. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that even one on cloth is susceptible because it can be shaken off the cloth.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz