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Keilim 28:4-5

Keilim 28:4

The covers of scrolls, whether ornamental or plain, are susceptible to impurity; this is the opinion of Beis Shammai. Beis Hillel say that ornamental covers are insusceptible to impurity but plain covers are susceptible. Rabban Gamaliel says that both types of cover are insusceptible to impurity.

Keilim 28:5

If a woman’s kerchief that had contracted midras impurity was wrapped around a scroll, it is purified from midras but it remains susceptible to corpse impurity. If a water skin was made into a rug or vice versa, it is purified. If a water skin was made into a pouch or vice versa, if a pillow was made into a sheet or vice versa, or if a mattress was made into a napkin or vice versa, it remains impure. The general principle is that if a utensil is converted into another utensil in the same class, it retains its impurity; if it’s converted into a utensil of a different class, it is purified.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz