284. Proper intentions in Davening
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 4:14
One who urinates during davening should wait the length of time that it takes to walk four cubits (about six feet) and then resume davening. After davening, one should wait this length of time before urinating in order to make a separation following his davening.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 4:15
Having proper intentions (in 4:1) refers to the following: Any prayer that is recited without having the proper intention is not considered prayer. If one davens without the proper intentions, he must daven again with the proper intentions. If a person is in a confused or agitated state, he may not daven until he has composed himself. Therefore, one who returns from a journey and is tired or cranky may not daven until he has composed himself. The Sages taught that one should wait three days until he has rested and his mind has settled, after which he may daven.