288. Facing the Temple
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 5:3
Facing the Temple (in 5:1) is a follows: A person outside of Israel should face Israel when he davens; a person in Israel should face Jerusalem; a person in Jerusalem should face the Temple; a person in the Temple should face the Holy of Holies. A blind person, a person who cannot determine the proper direction, and a person traveling in a boat should all direct their intentions towards God’s Presence and daven.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 5:4
Preparing the body (in 5:1) means that when one stands to daven, he should place his feet together, one next to the other. He lower his eyes as if looking at the ground and direct his thoughts upwards, as if standing in Heaven. His hands should rest on his heart, the right hand over the left. One should stand like a servant before his master, with awe and reverence. One should not daven with his hand on his hips.