303. Not Reciting Unnecessary Morning Brachos
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:8
We said in 7:7 that if one does not perform one of the morning activities, he does not recite the corresponding bracha. The ramification of his is that if a person sleeps in his clothes, he does not recite the bracha “Who clothes the naked” when he gets up. If he walks around barefoot, he does not recite the bracha that God “has provided all my needs.” On Yom Kippur and Tisha b’Av, when a person does not wash, one does not recite the bracha on washing the hands or the bracha “Who removes the bonds of sleep....” If a person does not use the restroom, he does not recite the bracha of asher yatzar. This is true with the other morning activities and their corresponding brachos.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:9
Many are in the habit to recite the morning brachos one after the other in shul, whether or not they are obligated in them. This is a mistake and an improper practice. One should not recite a bracha unless he is obligated in it.