307. The Order of Prayer
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:16
The ramification of eating to complete 100 brachos a day is as follows: a person eats a vegetable, reciting a bracha before doing so and a bracha after doing so. He eats a piece of fruit, reciting a bracha before doing so and a bracha after doing so. He counts all his brachos until he completes100.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:17
The daily order of prayer is as follows: In the morning, one gets up early and recites the morning brachos we previously discussed. Next, one recites the verses of praise with the brachos before and after them. Next comes the Shema with the brachos before and after that. One praying without a congregation does not recite the Kedusha that appears in the first bracha before Shema. After concluding the final bracha, Ga’al Yisrael (that God has redeemed Israel), one stands immediately in order to connect the idea of redemption to Shemoneh Esrei. Shemoneh Esrei is recited standing, as has been discussed. After Shemoneh Esrei, one sits, “falls on his face,” and recites Tachanun. While still seated, one recites Ashrei and other prayers according to his ability. After this, he leaves to go about his day.