309. Beis Medrash vs. Shul
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 8:2
It is a mitzvah to run to shul as per Hosea 6:3, “… Let us run to know God.” One should not take large steps when leaving shul. Rather, one should go gradually, step by step. When entering shul, one should go in the width of two doorways, then pray, as suggested by Proverbs 8:34, “to guard the posts of My doors.”
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 8:3
A beis medrash (study hall) is even greater than a shul. Many scholars lived in cities that had numerous shuls but they would only daven where they studied Torah. This, however, only applies when one can daven with a minyan there.