319. Magen Avos on Friday Nights
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 9:10
On Friday nights, after reciting the silent Amidah, the prayer leader does daven out loud but he does not recite all seven brachos of the Shabbos Amidah. Rather, he recites one bracha that includes the themes of all seven brachos. He says, “Blessed are You, Hashem, our God and the God of our fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, the great, mighty and awesome God, the supreme God, Who, in His mercy, creates Heaven and Earth. The One Who protected our ancestors with His word and resurrects the dead with His statement, the holy God, to whom none can compare. He gives His people rest on His holy Sabbath, for He desired to give them rest. We will serve Him with awe and reverence, giving thanks to His Name daily, at all times, according to His blessings. God who is worthy of thanks, Master of peace, the One Who sanctifies the Sabbath and blesses the seventh day, and Who grants holy rest to a people filled with delight as a memorial to the act of creation. Our God and God of our fathers, desire our rest. Blessed are You, Hashem, who sanctifies the Sabbath.” The leader says kaddish, after which everyone departs.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 9:11
The Sages instituted this bracha because most people attend maariv on Friday night. It is possible that a latecomer would be left alone in shul with the result that he would have to walk home alone, which would be dangerous. Therefore, the prayer leader recites this prayer so that everyone will remain. This allows latecomers to finish davening and leave with everyone else.